return function(c) local utils = require('solarized.utils') local set_hl = utils.set_hl set_hl('IndentBlanklineChar', { fg = c.base01 }) -- Highlight of indent character. Default: Whitespace set_hl('IndentBlanklineSpaceChar', { link = 'IndentBlanklineChar' }) -- Highlight of space character. Default: Whitespace set_hl('IndentBlanklineContextChar', { fg = c.base0 }) -- Highlight of indent character when base of current context. Default: Label set_hl( 'IndentBlanklineContextSpaceChar', { link = 'IndentBlanklineContextChar' } ) -- Highlight of space characters one indent level of the current context. Default: Label set_hl('IblIndent', { fg = c.base0, nocombine = true }) set_hl('IblScope', { fg = c.base01, nocombine = true }) -- set_hl('IndentBlanklineSpaceCharBlankline', {}) -- Highlight of space character on blank lines. Default: Whitespace -- set_hl('IndentBlanklineContextStart', {}) -- Highlight of the first line of the current context. Default: Label end