import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import datetime # Function to generate the outline for a given week def generate_weekly_opml(week_num, year=2025): # Start of the week (Sunday) start_date =, 1, 1) + datetime.timedelta(weeks=week_num-1) # Adjust to get the Sunday of the week (since Python's datetime module uses Monday as the start of the week) start_date = start_date - datetime.timedelta(days=start_date.weekday() + 1) # monday_date = start_date + datetime.timedelta(days=1) # Create the root element for the week outline with Sunday date as a note # week_outline = ET.Element("outline", text=f"2025 Week {week_num}", _note=f"") week_outline = ET.Element("outline", text=f"2025 Week {week_num}") # ET.SubElement(week_outline, "outline") # Loop through the days of the week (Sunday to Saturday) for i in range(7): day_date = start_date + datetime.timedelta(days=i) weekday = day_date.strftime('%A') # Create the day outline with a link for tasks day_outline = ET.SubElement( week_outline, "outline", text=f"{weekday}", _note=f"" ) # Example of activities (these can be customized) if weekday in ['Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday']: outline = ET.SubElement(day_outline, "outline", text="") return week_outline # Function to return a color based on the weekday (for styling) def get_color(weekday): colors = { "Sunday": "purple", "Monday": "red", "Tuesday": "teal", "Wednesday": "pink", "Thursday": "green", "Friday": "yellow", "Saturday": "sky" } return colors.get(weekday, "gray") # Function to create OPML for all weeks in 2025 and the first week of 2026 def create_opml_for_year_and_first_week_2026(): root_opml = ET.Element("opml", version="2.0") head = ET.SubElement(root_opml, "head") owner_email = ET.SubElement(head, "ownerEmail") owner_email.text = "" body = ET.SubElement(root_opml, "body") # Generate OPML for each week of 2025 for week_num in range(1, 53): # There are 52 weeks in 2025 week_opml = generate_weekly_opml(week_num) body.append(week_opml) # Now, handle the first week of 2026 week_2026_opml = generate_weekly_opml(1, year=2026) body.append(week_2026_opml) # Generate the final tree tree = ET.ElementTree(root_opml) return tree # Create the OPML file def save_opml_to_file(filename="diary.opml"): tree = create_opml_for_year_and_first_week_2026() tree.write(filename, encoding="utf-8", xml_declaration=True) # Call the function to create the OPML save_opml_to_file()