(function (global, factory) {
    typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports, require('@jridgewell/set-array'), require('@jridgewell/sourcemap-codec'), require('@jridgewell/trace-mapping')) :
    typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports', '@jridgewell/set-array', '@jridgewell/sourcemap-codec', '@jridgewell/trace-mapping'], factory) :
    (global = typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' ? globalThis : global || self, factory(global.genMapping = {}, global.setArray, global.sourcemapCodec, global.traceMapping));
})(this, (function (exports, setArray, sourcemapCodec, traceMapping) { 'use strict';

    const COLUMN = 0;
    const SOURCES_INDEX = 1;
    const SOURCE_LINE = 2;
    const SOURCE_COLUMN = 3;
    const NAMES_INDEX = 4;

    const NO_NAME = -1;
     * Provides the state to generate a sourcemap.
    class GenMapping {
        constructor({ file, sourceRoot } = {}) {
            this._names = new setArray.SetArray();
            this._sources = new setArray.SetArray();
            this._sourcesContent = [];
            this._mappings = [];
            this.file = file;
            this.sourceRoot = sourceRoot;
            this._ignoreList = new setArray.SetArray();
     * Typescript doesn't allow friend access to private fields, so this just casts the map into a type
     * with public access modifiers.
    function cast(map) {
        return map;
    function addSegment(map, genLine, genColumn, source, sourceLine, sourceColumn, name, content) {
        return addSegmentInternal(false, map, genLine, genColumn, source, sourceLine, sourceColumn, name, content);
    function addMapping(map, mapping) {
        return addMappingInternal(false, map, mapping);
     * Same as `addSegment`, but will only add the segment if it generates useful information in the
     * resulting map. This only works correctly if segments are added **in order**, meaning you should
     * not add a segment with a lower generated line/column than one that came before.
    const maybeAddSegment = (map, genLine, genColumn, source, sourceLine, sourceColumn, name, content) => {
        return addSegmentInternal(true, map, genLine, genColumn, source, sourceLine, sourceColumn, name, content);
     * Same as `addMapping`, but will only add the mapping if it generates useful information in the
     * resulting map. This only works correctly if mappings are added **in order**, meaning you should
     * not add a mapping with a lower generated line/column than one that came before.
    const maybeAddMapping = (map, mapping) => {
        return addMappingInternal(true, map, mapping);
     * Adds/removes the content of the source file to the source map.
    function setSourceContent(map, source, content) {
        const { _sources: sources, _sourcesContent: sourcesContent } = cast(map);
        const index = setArray.put(sources, source);
        sourcesContent[index] = content;
    function setIgnore(map, source, ignore = true) {
        const { _sources: sources, _sourcesContent: sourcesContent, _ignoreList: ignoreList } = cast(map);
        const index = setArray.put(sources, source);
        if (index === sourcesContent.length)
            sourcesContent[index] = null;
        if (ignore)
            setArray.put(ignoreList, index);
            setArray.remove(ignoreList, index);
     * Returns a sourcemap object (with decoded mappings) suitable for passing to a library that expects
     * a sourcemap, or to JSON.stringify.
    function toDecodedMap(map) {
        const { _mappings: mappings, _sources: sources, _sourcesContent: sourcesContent, _names: names, _ignoreList: ignoreList, } = cast(map);
        return {
            version: 3,
            file: map.file || undefined,
            names: names.array,
            sourceRoot: map.sourceRoot || undefined,
            sources: sources.array,
            ignoreList: ignoreList.array,
     * Returns a sourcemap object (with encoded mappings) suitable for passing to a library that expects
     * a sourcemap, or to JSON.stringify.
    function toEncodedMap(map) {
        const decoded = toDecodedMap(map);
        return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, decoded), { mappings: sourcemapCodec.encode(decoded.mappings) });
     * Constructs a new GenMapping, using the already present mappings of the input.
    function fromMap(input) {
        const map = new traceMapping.TraceMap(input);
        const gen = new GenMapping({ file: map.file, sourceRoot: map.sourceRoot });
        putAll(cast(gen)._names, map.names);
        putAll(cast(gen)._sources, map.sources);
        cast(gen)._sourcesContent = map.sourcesContent || map.sources.map(() => null);
        cast(gen)._mappings = traceMapping.decodedMappings(map);
        if (map.ignoreList)
            putAll(cast(gen)._ignoreList, map.ignoreList);
        return gen;
     * Returns an array of high-level mapping objects for every recorded segment, which could then be
     * passed to the `source-map` library.
    function allMappings(map) {
        const out = [];
        const { _mappings: mappings, _sources: sources, _names: names } = cast(map);
        for (let i = 0; i < mappings.length; i++) {
            const line = mappings[i];
            for (let j = 0; j < line.length; j++) {
                const seg = line[j];
                const generated = { line: i + 1, column: seg[COLUMN] };
                let source = undefined;
                let original = undefined;
                let name = undefined;
                if (seg.length !== 1) {
                    source = sources.array[seg[SOURCES_INDEX]];
                    original = { line: seg[SOURCE_LINE] + 1, column: seg[SOURCE_COLUMN] };
                    if (seg.length === 5)
                        name = names.array[seg[NAMES_INDEX]];
                out.push({ generated, source, original, name });
        return out;
    // This split declaration is only so that terser can elminiate the static initialization block.
    function addSegmentInternal(skipable, map, genLine, genColumn, source, sourceLine, sourceColumn, name, content) {
        const { _mappings: mappings, _sources: sources, _sourcesContent: sourcesContent, _names: names, } = cast(map);
        const line = getLine(mappings, genLine);
        const index = getColumnIndex(line, genColumn);
        if (!source) {
            if (skipable && skipSourceless(line, index))
            return insert(line, index, [genColumn]);
        const sourcesIndex = setArray.put(sources, source);
        const namesIndex = name ? setArray.put(names, name) : NO_NAME;
        if (sourcesIndex === sourcesContent.length)
            sourcesContent[sourcesIndex] = content !== null && content !== void 0 ? content : null;
        if (skipable && skipSource(line, index, sourcesIndex, sourceLine, sourceColumn, namesIndex)) {
        return insert(line, index, name
            ? [genColumn, sourcesIndex, sourceLine, sourceColumn, namesIndex]
            : [genColumn, sourcesIndex, sourceLine, sourceColumn]);
    function getLine(mappings, index) {
        for (let i = mappings.length; i <= index; i++) {
            mappings[i] = [];
        return mappings[index];
    function getColumnIndex(line, genColumn) {
        let index = line.length;
        for (let i = index - 1; i >= 0; index = i--) {
            const current = line[i];
            if (genColumn >= current[COLUMN])
        return index;
    function insert(array, index, value) {
        for (let i = array.length; i > index; i--) {
            array[i] = array[i - 1];
        array[index] = value;
    function removeEmptyFinalLines(mappings) {
        const { length } = mappings;
        let len = length;
        for (let i = len - 1; i >= 0; len = i, i--) {
            if (mappings[i].length > 0)
        if (len < length)
            mappings.length = len;
    function putAll(setarr, array) {
        for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++)
            setArray.put(setarr, array[i]);
    function skipSourceless(line, index) {
        // The start of a line is already sourceless, so adding a sourceless segment to the beginning
        // doesn't generate any useful information.
        if (index === 0)
            return true;
        const prev = line[index - 1];
        // If the previous segment is also sourceless, then adding another sourceless segment doesn't
        // genrate any new information. Else, this segment will end the source/named segment and point to
        // a sourceless position, which is useful.
        return prev.length === 1;
    function skipSource(line, index, sourcesIndex, sourceLine, sourceColumn, namesIndex) {
        // A source/named segment at the start of a line gives position at that genColumn
        if (index === 0)
            return false;
        const prev = line[index - 1];
        // If the previous segment is sourceless, then we're transitioning to a source.
        if (prev.length === 1)
            return false;
        // If the previous segment maps to the exact same source position, then this segment doesn't
        // provide any new position information.
        return (sourcesIndex === prev[SOURCES_INDEX] &&
            sourceLine === prev[SOURCE_LINE] &&
            sourceColumn === prev[SOURCE_COLUMN] &&
            namesIndex === (prev.length === 5 ? prev[NAMES_INDEX] : NO_NAME));
    function addMappingInternal(skipable, map, mapping) {
        const { generated, source, original, name, content } = mapping;
        if (!source) {
            return addSegmentInternal(skipable, map, generated.line - 1, generated.column, null, null, null, null, null);
        return addSegmentInternal(skipable, map, generated.line - 1, generated.column, source, original.line - 1, original.column, name, content);

    exports.GenMapping = GenMapping;
    exports.addMapping = addMapping;
    exports.addSegment = addSegment;
    exports.allMappings = allMappings;
    exports.fromMap = fromMap;
    exports.maybeAddMapping = maybeAddMapping;
    exports.maybeAddSegment = maybeAddSegment;
    exports.setIgnore = setIgnore;
    exports.setSourceContent = setSourceContent;
    exports.toDecodedMap = toDecodedMap;
    exports.toEncodedMap = toEncodedMap;

    Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });

//# sourceMappingURL=gen-mapping.umd.js.map