{ "action": { "cancel": "Cancel", "copy": "Copy", "delete": "Delete", "downloadAudio": "Download Audio", "downloadImage": "Download Image", "downloadSubtitlesAsSrt": "Download Subtitles as SRT", "jumpTo": "Jump To", "ok": "OK", "mineSubtitle": "Mine Subtitle", "openFiles": "Open Files", "loadSubtitles": "Load Subtitles", "openApp": "Open App", "openSidePanel": "Open Side Panel", "mine": "Mine", "updateLastCard": "Update Last Card", "startRecording": "Start Recording", "stopRecording": "Stop Recording", "importSettings": "Import Settings", "exportSettings": "Export Settings" }, "postMineAction": { "none": "None", "showAnkiDialog": "Show Anki dialog", "updateLastCard": "Update last card" }, "ankiDialog": { "applySelection": "Apply Selection", "audio": "Audio", "audioFileLinkLost": "Audio file link lost because of page reload", "cannotUpdateAudio": "Audio clip cannot be updated because it is pre-recorded", "copyToClipboard": "Copy to Clipboard", "definition": "Definition", "export": "Export", "foundDuplicateNotes": "Found {{count}} notes with word \"{{word}}\" in field \"{{field}}\"", "foundNoDuplicateNote": "No notes found with word \"{{word}}\" in field \"{{field}}\"", "image": "Image", "imageFileLinkLost": "Image file link lost because of page reload", "openInAnki": "Open in Anki", "rerecord": "Rerecord", "resetSlider": "Reset", "rewind": "Rewind", "searchInAnki": "Search in Anki", "sentence": "Sentence", "source": "Source", "tagList": "Comma-separated list of strings", "title": "Anki Export", "updateLastCard": "Update Last Card", "url": "URL", "word": "Word", "zoomIn": "Zoom In", "zoomOut": "Zoom Out" }, "bar": { "donate": "Donate", "help": "Help", "miningHistory": "Mining History", "settings": "Settings", "submitIssue": "Submit Issue" }, "binds": { "adjustOffset": "Adjust subtitle offset by ±100 ms", "adjustOffsetToNextSubtitle": "Adjust subtitle offset so that next subtitle is at current timestamp", "adjustOffsetToPreviousSubtitle": "Adjust subtitle offset so that previous subtitle is at current timestamp", "adjustOffsetToSubtitle": "Adjust subtitle offset so that previous/next subtitle is at current timestamp", "adjustPlaybackRate": "Adjust playback rate by ±0.1", "ankiExport": "Mine current subtitle and open Anki dialog", "copySubtitle": "Mine current subtitle", "decreaseOffset": "Adjust subtitle offset by -100ms", "decreasePlaybackRate": "Adjust playback rate by -0.1", "extensionAnkiDialog": "Mine current subtitle and open Anki export dialog. When video is synced without a subtitle file, starts/stops recording audio.", "extensionCopySubtitle": "Mine current subtitle. When video is synced without a subtitle file, starts/stops recording audio.", "extensionSelectSubtitleTrack": "Select subtitle tracks to load.", "extensionTakeScreenshot": "Manually take screenshot, overriding the one that is automatically taken when mining.", "extensionToggleRecording": "Manually start/stop audio recording, even when a subtitle file is loaded.", "extensionUpdateLastCard": "Update last-created Anki card with asbplayer-captured media. When video is synced without a subtitle file, starts/stops recording audio.", "increaseOffset": "Adjust subtitle offset by +100ms", "increasePlaybackRate": "Adjust playback rate by +0.1", "resetOffset": "Reset subtitle offset", "seekBackward": "Seek backward 10 seconds", "seekBackwardOrForward": "Seek backward/forward 10 seconds", "seekForward": "Seek forward 10 seconds", "seekToBeginningOfCurrentSubtitle": "Seek to beginning of current subtitle", "seekToNextSubtitle": "Seek to next subtitle", "seekToPreviousSubtitle": "Seek to previous subtitle", "seekToSubtitle": "Seek to previous/next subtitle", "takeScreenshot": "Manually take screenshot, overriding the one that is automatically taken when mining", "toggleAsbplayerSubtitleTrack1": "Toggle subtitle track 1 in asbplayer", "toggleAsbplayerSubtitleTrack2": "Toggle subtitle track 2 in asbplayer", "toggleAsbplayerSubtitleTrack3": "Toggle subtitle track 3 in asbplayer", "toggleAsbplayerSubtitleTracks": "Toggle subtitle track in asbplayer", "toggleAutoPause": "Toggle auto-pause", "toggleCondensedPlayback": "Toggle condensed playback", "toggleFastForwardPlayback": "Toggle fast forward playback", "togglePlay": "Play/pause", "toggleSubtitles": "Toggle subtitles", "toggleVideoSubtitleTrack1": "Toggle subtitle track 1 in video", "toggleVideoSubtitleTrack2": "Toggle subtitle track 2 in video", "toggleVideoSubtitleTrack3": "Toggle subtitle track 3 in video", "toggleVideoSubtitleTracks": "Toggle subtitle track in video", "updateLastCard": "Update last-created Anki card with asbplayer-captured screenshot, audio, etc.", "toggleSidePanel": "Toggle side panel" }, "controls": { "autoPauseMode": "Auto-pause", "condensedMode": "Condensed", "fastForwardMode": "Fast-forward", "normalMode": "Normal", "playbackRate": "Playback Rate", "subtitleOffset": "Subtitle Offset", "subtitleAlignment": "Subtitle Alignment", "toggleSubtitles": "Toggle Subtitles", "playbackMode": "Playback Mode", "unloadVideo": "Unload Video", "selectAudioTrack": "Select Audio Track", "selectVideoElement": "Select Video Element", "popOut": "Pop Out", "popIn": "Pop In", "toggleFullscreen": "Toggle Fullscreen", "toggleTheaterMode": "Toggle Theater Mode", "showSubtitlePlayer": "Show Subtitle List", "hideSubtitlePlayer": "Hide Subtitle List" }, "copyHistory": { "blank": "Blank", "downloadMinedSubsAsSrt": "Download Mined Subtitles as SRT", "exportToAnki": "Export to Anki", "miningHistoryEmpty": "Mining history is empty." }, "error": { "bothAudioAndVideNotAllowed": "Cannot load both an audio and video file simultaneously", "failedToLoadDirectory": "Failed to load directory", "lostTabConnection": "Lost connection with tab: {{tabName}}", "onlyOneAudioFile": "Cannot open two audio files simultaneously", "onlyOneDirectoryAllowed": "Cannot load more than one directory at a time", "onlyOneVideoFile": "Cannot open two video files simultaneously", "subdirectoriesNotAllowed": "Cannot load a directory with subdirectories", "subtitleFileNotOpen": "Subtitle file {{fileName}} is not open.", "unknownExtension": "Unable to determine extension of {{fileName}}", "unsupportedExtension": "Unsupported extension {{extension}}", "videoPlayerDragAndDropNotAllowed": "Video player cannot receive dropped files. Drop outside of the video frame instead." }, "extension": { "settings": { "asbplayerUrl": "App URL", "autoLoadDetectedSubs": "Auto-load detected subtitles", "cleanScreenshot": "Clean screenshot", "condensedPlaybackMinSkipInterval": "Condensed playback minimum skip interval", "cropScreenshot": "Crop screenshot", "displaySubtitles": "Display subtitles", "dragAndDrop": "Allow subtitle file drag-and-drop", "subtitleListPreference": "Subtitle list preference", "openSubtitleList": "Open subtitle list when loading subtitles", "mining": "Mining", "miningKeyboardShortcuts": "Mining Keyboard Shortcuts", "misc": "Misc", "playback": "Playback", "playbackKeyboardShortcuts": "Playback Keyboard Shortcuts", "recordAudio": "Record audio", "screenshotCaptureDelay": "Screenshot capture delay", "subtitles": "Subtitles", "syncing": "Syncing", "takeScreenshot": "Take screenshot", "updateAvailable": "Update Available" }, "videoDataSync": { "emptySubtitleTrack": "Empty", "loadSubtitlesFirst": "Subtitles must be loaded before you can start mining.", "rememberTrackPreference": "Remember these track choices for this site", "selectSubtitles": "Select Subtitles", "subtitleTrack": "Subtitle Track", "videoName": "Video Name" }, "videoSelect": { "multipleVideoElements": "Multiple Video Elements Detected", "selectVideo": "Select a video element to sync it with asbplayer.", "syncBeforeMine": "A video element must be synced with asbplayer before it can be mined. Select a video element to sync it with asbplayer.", "videoElement": "Video Element" }, "backgroundAudioRecordingPage": { "description": "This page is used by asbplayer to capture audio." } }, "ftue": { "welcome": "Welcome to asbplayer.", "welcomeBody": "Check out the <0>readme to see how to get started." }, "info": { "copiedSubtitle": "Copied: {{text}}", "disabledAutoPause": "Auto-pause: Off", "disabledCondensedPlayback": "Condensed playback: Off", "disabledFastForwardPlayback": "Fast forward playback: Off", "enabledAutoPause": "Auto-pause: On", "enabledCondensedPlayback": "Condensed playback: On", "enabledFastForwardPlayback": "Fast forward playback: On", "exportedCard": "Exported card: {{result}}", "playbackRate": "Playback Rate: {{rate}}", "savedTimestamp": "Saved: {{timestamp}}", "updatedCard": "Updated card: {{result}}", "activeTabPermissionObtained": "Audio recording is now enabled for this tab." }, "landing": { "cta": "Drag and drop subtitle and media files, or <1>browse.", "extensionNotInstalled": "Install the <1>Chrome extension to sync subtitles with streaming video.", "extensionUpdateAvailable": "An extension <1>update is available.", "noSubtitles": "No subtitles", "videoElementsDetected": "Load subtitles onto a video to start using asbplayer.", "noVideoElementsDetected": "No videos detected." }, "activeTabPermissionRequest": { "title": "Enable audio recording", "grantedTitle": "Audio recording enabled", "prompt": "Click on the asbplayer action button in the top-right of the browser window to enable audio recording for this tab.", "grantedPrompt": "Audio recording has been enabled for this tab. You can now begin mining." }, "settings": { "addCustomCss": "Add Custom CSS", "addCustomField": "Add Custom Field", "anki": "Anki", "ankiConnectUrl": "Anki Connect URL", "audioField": "Audio Field", "audioPaddingEnd": "Audio Padding End", "audioPaddingStart": "Audio Padding Start", "autoCopy": "Auto-copy current subtitle to clipboard", "autoPauseAtSubtitleEnd": "At Subtitle End", "autoPauseAtSubtitleStart": "At Subtitle Start", "autoPausePreference": "Auto-pause Preference", "autoPausePreferenceHelperText": "Does not enable auto-pause. Sets the preference for when to pause when auto-pause is enabled.", "fastForwardModePlaybackRate": "Fast-forward Mode Playback Rate", "copyOnMine": "Copy mined subtitles to clipboard", "corsHelperText": "Ensure that {{origin}} is in the webCorsOriginList in your AnkiConnect settings as in this <0>video.", "customCssField": "CSS: {{styleKey}}", "deck": "Deck", "definitionField": "Definition Field", "extensionOverriddenBind": "Overridden", "extensionShortcut": "Extension shortcut", "imageBasedSubtitleScaleFactor": "Image-based Subtitle Scale Factor", "imageField": "Image Field", "keyboardShortcuts": "Keyboard Shortcuts", "language": "Language", "maxImageHeight": "Max Image Height", "maxImageWidth": "Max Image Width", "mining": "Mining", "miningHistoryStorageLimit": "Mining history storage limit", "clickToMineDefaultAction": "Mining button default action", "misc": "Misc", "mp3Preference": "Re-encode audio as mp3 (slower)", "noteType": "Note Type", "preCacheSubtitleDom": "Pre-cache Subtitle DOM", "preCacheSubtitleDomHelperText": "If enabled, asbplayer will pre-render subtitle text elements in an offscreen element, and re-use those elements for subtitle display. This allows external code to persistently modify subtitle text before it is displayed.", "recordingBind": "Recording", "rememberSubtitleOffset": "Remember subtitle offset", "sentenceField": "Sentence Field", "streamingVideo": "Streaming Video", "styleKey": "Style Key", "styleValue": "Style Value", "sourceField": "Source Field", "subtitleAppearance": "Subtitle Appearance", "subtitleBackgroundColor": "Subtitle Background Color", "subtitleBackgroundOpacity": "Subtitle Background Opacity", "subtitleColor": "Subtitle Color", "subtitleFontFamily": "Subtitle Font Family", "subtitleOutlineColor": "Subtitle Outline Color", "subtitleOutlineThickness": "Subtitle Outline Thickness", "subtitleShadowColor": "Subtitle Shadow Color", "subtitleShadowThickness": "Subtitle Shadow Thickness", "subtitleOutlineThicknessHelperText": "Adds an outline around subtitle text. If this causes overlapping lines, try using a different font.", "subtitlePositionOffset": "Subtitle position offset from bottom", "subtitleAlignment": "Subtitle Alignment", "subtitleAlignmentBottom": "Bottom", "subtitleAlignmentTop": "Top", "subtitleRegexFilter": "Subtitle regex filter", "subtitleRegexFilterTextReplacement": "Subtitle regex filter text replacement", "subtitleSize": "Subtitle Size", "subtitleThickness": "Subtitle Font Thickness", "surroundingSubtitlesCountRadius": "Surrounding Subtitles Count Radius", "surroundingSubtitlesTimeRadius": "Surrounding Subtitles Time Radius", "tags": "Tags", "tagsHelperText": "Comma-separated list of strings", "theme": "Theme", "themeDark": "Dark", "themeLight": "Light", "title": "Settings", "unlockLocalFonts": "Click to unlock font menu", "unboundBind": "Unbound", "urlField": "URL Field", "wordField": "Word Field" }, "subtitlePlayer": { "multiSubtitleSelectHelp": "Click, hold, and drag to mine multiple subtitles" } }